It's been a whirlwind summer; we got off to a cracking start in May with a trip to Ottawa, and then back home just in time for Aurora to finish school, and head to Edmonton for outdoor adventures for a bit with her woods-loving uncle. And I renovated the house.
And then we did the last bit of Stampede - good fun, but stolen time - and Aurora went to Montreal for three weeks. And I finished the renos, and put the house on the market.
And now...Aurora's home, the house is nearly sold, we are looking for a new home, and we are, thankfully, going on holiday to the Shuswap for a gigantic Time Out. And I am planning my knitting and spinning projects. Last weekend, Erynn came in to Make 1 with this big basket and this roving just peeked out at me, and jumped into my hands. I've been feeling the weather; despite a brief heat wave for a week or so, it's been petulant - feels like grey skies more than blue. I desperately needed a dose of summer.
And so I sat on Saturday, and Sunday, spinning this lovely stuff. Silky and easy-to-spin, and gentle colour gradiation like water-to-sky. I felt like I was swimming.
So...I plan to firmly esconce myself on the dock, on the lake near this cabin I've never been to, and just sit, and soak up some sun, and dip my toes in the lake. And finish spinning up some summer.