That would be in reference to the "Handspun Hootenanny" for the uninitiated. Courtesy of Ravelry (much like Facebook but for Fibre Fiends, where I'm known as "birchblanket"), there's a group who got together to do a spun-fibre swap.
It's called the "Hush-Hush Handspun Hootenanny" (HHHH for short) and this party's gettin' started SOON.
Check out this hip-happy blog and see what we crazy fibre people are up to.
The deal is this: We get a fibre buddy from somewhere Out There, based on those of us who signed up. By July 7, we spin somethin' up for our bud, about 4 0z. worth, and as a present, send 'em about 4 oz. of roving we love. And they do the same for us, by August 9.
Too much fun!
Kinda like those "Surprize" bags we used to get as kids, hanging on the clips at the gas station convenience stores. But more fun. Less candy. Depending on your definition of "candy". And because we all fill out a leetle questionnaire, we might even get something we LIKE.
The pic here is my brand-new hand-dyed Polworth roving I did the other day at the Sheep Creek Weavers' annual Dye Day - and my buddy's gonna get some.
A joyful noise
15 years ago